The Season of Lent is our annual pilgrimage which takes us from Ashes to Easter. We start our journey on Ash Wednesday when we receive ashes which symbolize our willingness to repent of our sins and to seek the mercy of our loving God. The journey concludes as we raise our voices to sing, “Alleluia, He is Risen”.
During the forty days of Lent we are called to take practical steps, each day, that will help us to truly express our sorrow for our sins, and show that we truly do have a purpose to amend our lives. That purpose of amendment can be shown if we use the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy as our plan of action. Practicing these works will help us to be less selfish and more self-giving.
If we take the time for prayer, and practice fasting and almsgiving during Lent we will be able to understand that the call to discipleship challenges us to be persons for others. We fulfill that challenge by not only taking notice of the needs of others, but by sacrificially addressing those needs.
May this Season of Lent be a time of spiritual growth for each of us and for our Parish Community. By entering into Christ’s Passion and dying to self, we shall truly be able to share in His Resurrection.
Fr. Peter Pagones, Pastor
During the forty days of Lent we are called to take practical steps, each day, that will help us to truly express our sorrow for our sins, and show that we truly do have a purpose to amend our lives. That purpose of amendment can be shown if we use the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy as our plan of action. Practicing these works will help us to be less selfish and more self-giving.
If we take the time for prayer, and practice fasting and almsgiving during Lent we will be able to understand that the call to discipleship challenges us to be persons for others. We fulfill that challenge by not only taking notice of the needs of others, but by sacrificially addressing those needs.
May this Season of Lent be a time of spiritual growth for each of us and for our Parish Community. By entering into Christ’s Passion and dying to self, we shall truly be able to share in His Resurrection.
Fr. Peter Pagones, Pastor