The "Together in Unity" Respect Life Group currently meets in the Rev. George W. Brucker Parish Center at St. Paul the Apostle on the first Thursday of the month at 9:30 AM. All are invited to attend. We would especially welcome new members from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Adalbert parishes.
Our mission is to support and protect life in all of its stages from the moment of conception until natural death. To this end we have held baby showers, collected personal care products for persons in need of assistance. We have participated in prayer vigils and have given financial support to Birthright, Alpha Pregnancy Center, and Project Rachel among others. if you would like to help support our mission, even if you are not able to make a commitment to attend meetings every month, please come to one meeting. For more information contact: Lavina (518)229-4727 or Bev (518)346-5896. Thank you! |