Holy Week reminds us of the overwhelming love that God has for each and every one of us. He so loved the world that He sent His Only-Begotten Son to suffer, die and rise that our sins might be forgiven, we could be reconciled to God and neighbor and that we might have life that never ends. During Holy Week we will experience those saving acts anew.
What will our response be to such great love? Will we be determined to transform our lives with the help of the grace flowing from the Cross of Christ? Will we reorder our priorities so that we will be ready to share God’s own life with God in heaven? Or will we go back to business as usual?
Let us hope that this Holy Week will find us all ready to turn from sin and to embrace more fully the values of the Gospel. In this way, our Lenten sacrifices and our celebration of Holy week will not be in vain.
Fr. Peter Pagones
What will our response be to such great love? Will we be determined to transform our lives with the help of the grace flowing from the Cross of Christ? Will we reorder our priorities so that we will be ready to share God’s own life with God in heaven? Or will we go back to business as usual?
Let us hope that this Holy Week will find us all ready to turn from sin and to embrace more fully the values of the Gospel. In this way, our Lenten sacrifices and our celebration of Holy week will not be in vain.
Fr. Peter Pagones