Holy Week, which culminates in the celebration of Easter, is the most sacred time of our Liturgical Year. During Holy Week we remember and have re-presented for us Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the Passion Death and Resurrection of Jesus and the fulfillment of God’s plan for us in the Resurrection of Jesus.
Let us all be mindful of our sinfulness, and the need to turn from sin. Let us understand that any reflection on our mortality must necessarily include the consequences of our actions or our inaction. Lent affords us the opportunity to be transformed by the Grace flowing from the Cross of Christ.
As St. Paul tells, if we die with Christ we will certainly rise with him on the last day. Have a fruitful Lent.
Fr. Peter Pagones , Pastor
Let us all be mindful of our sinfulness, and the need to turn from sin. Let us understand that any reflection on our mortality must necessarily include the consequences of our actions or our inaction. Lent affords us the opportunity to be transformed by the Grace flowing from the Cross of Christ.
As St. Paul tells, if we die with Christ we will certainly rise with him on the last day. Have a fruitful Lent.
Fr. Peter Pagones , Pastor