The coming week is called Holy because we Catholic Christians celebrate the most important events in the history of the world and in the history of Salvation. Jesus Christ, Son of God become human, completes God’s plan for the redemption and reconciliation of the human race and God.
Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter celebrations bring together all the things that our good and gracious God has done for us in Jesus, His Son. On Thursday we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood. On Friday, we walk with Jesus to the hill of Calvary where He willingly lays down his life for us. On Saturday night we celebrate the Gift of new life in the Resurrection of Jesus and our sharing in the promise of a like Resurrection in the Sacrament of Baptism. On Sunday, we celebrate the great joy of Jesus’ rising from the dead to bring us the gift of eternal life.
Let us journey through Holy Week in a spirit of gratitude for the mercy and compassion of the God who loves and saves us. May we arrive at Easter renewed, reconciled and rejuvenated for the task of bringing the joy of the Gospel to all people.
Fr. Peter Pagones , Pastor
Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter celebrations bring together all the things that our good and gracious God has done for us in Jesus, His Son. On Thursday we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood. On Friday, we walk with Jesus to the hill of Calvary where He willingly lays down his life for us. On Saturday night we celebrate the Gift of new life in the Resurrection of Jesus and our sharing in the promise of a like Resurrection in the Sacrament of Baptism. On Sunday, we celebrate the great joy of Jesus’ rising from the dead to bring us the gift of eternal life.
Let us journey through Holy Week in a spirit of gratitude for the mercy and compassion of the God who loves and saves us. May we arrive at Easter renewed, reconciled and rejuvenated for the task of bringing the joy of the Gospel to all people.
Fr. Peter Pagones , Pastor